04 September 2013

Riding Lessons



Little girl wants to ride in the worst way. In fact, she says she'd skip school, ballet, friends, eating, sleeping all to ride a beautiful grey horse. You know, because it's her favorite color horse! She plays with mini equine figurines like most kids play with dolls. She rides big plush ones around our house all day. Three years in a row now she's asked Santa for a real magical horse. She's super jealous of Pippi Longstocking's horse on the porch (in all the books). She took her friends riding for her 5th birthday, after which she declared she'd like a "teenager job" at a horse farm. To say she's genuinely interested would be an understatement. And we live in the country, so they're everywhere we turn.

When she rides Bleu is content but serious. She watches and listens closely. Butterflies fill her belly. She lights up. It's quite something. Lessons are costly ($40 per half hour), so we only promised a few private lessons this summer (at age five) and a horse camp next summer (at age six). That's the minimum age for group camp. If she still loves riding after that we'll snag a weekly time slot next fall when she's in 1st grade. For now it's just fun to see her heart smile whenever she's around horses.



August 2013

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh so cute in her horse!!! it's crazy how they love horses, mine also does...