18 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Bleu's classmate valentines. She made each one an original.

A gift from cousin Debbie several years ago.

I actually made myself cry while writing their personal love notes.

Homemade pecan-almond-peanut butter granola bars. Recipe to follow!

We've never purchased valentines from a store. I love our tradition of making them!

Three of Bleu's creations from last week. 

I prepare the table ahead of time so the children can just go-go-go with their ideas.

Buby's classmate valentines. He (very secretively) sealed each one shut.

I've made a valentine for My Sweets every year since 1993.

Our funky fabric banner.

 After they started Grandma DJ presented the kids with even more stickers.

A perfectly fine peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Our Family of Five snowmen are out from December through March.

Buby made one card for each classmate but THREE for his friend Phoenix.

Our love tree. // Would you believe I found this block of ice while shoveling on 2.14?

I cherish every bit of material the children bring home from school.

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