12 April 2013

Bits + Pieces

2 yrs, 5 mos looks so OLD and so BIG this time around.

Watching History Channel's The Bible into the wee hours of the night.

Heart-shaped cherimoya fruit.

First bow + arrow set. Just for fun.

 Four and seven year olds are perrrrfect dinner dates.
Ollie, on the other hand, is off camera jumping on the seat.

Bleu tries on her very first cleats. It's a big deal for her.

Soccer stuff.

Dragon fruit.

I've never minded the birthmark on my face, but it bothers Ollie to no end.

Bleu's first soccer practice was freezing, but she stuck it out and had a blast.

Bruschetta with Bleu. One of my all-time favorite snacks.

Cozying up in the cardboard rocket ship.

The balance bike goes from playroom to driveway; Bleu hangs her #5 from Grandma DJ.

Baking with Bear. Random fact: Buby doesn't like any sort of melty chocolate. No sir.

Bleu girl does some incredible handstands. 
I am forever in awe of her strength and determination.

Caught: Snoozing in the car with one eye open. 
Equal parts creepy and cute.

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