13 August 2011

Right Now

These two are the best of friends.
Who knows how long it will last, but My Sweets and I are hoping they stay tight. At 5 and 3 our kiddos are affectionate and empathetic, humorous and always competitive. Sure they snap at each other from time to time, but they always have each other's backs. That's what counts.

Photos taken today.

While baby Oliver napped in his crib this afternoon {hurray for that!}, I cleaned out a neglected corner of the garage and Buby and Bleu swept a neighbor's leaves into two mini dust pans. Just for kicks. They had a grand old time, and I can still hear the echo of giggles in the wind as they raced back and forth to show off their bounty.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

growing so fast .. great to be close to sibs!! love you forever