20 July 2010

What's Cooking Around Here

My mom just pointed out that she had to look at fruit for days. FRUIT. And now the bare toes. Trust me, I have not forgotten how to post. We're just so unscheduled this summer that our "free days" fill up fast with random stuff and our nights are spent in a state of exhaustion.

This is not a napping house, as much as I wish it were, though the trade-off is freedom. And we are soaking up every delightful minute of it until back-to-school hits us hard on September 2. Don't even get me started on the Fall.

I've been going to bed with My Sweets before 1 a.m. {awesome!} and not waking until the children first peep around 7:30. We start slow with a big breakfast and then dig our heals into the to-do projects, outings, recipes and play dates du jour.

I'm pretty sure the wee ones are enjoying every bit thus far. And I give Buby a gold star for enduring his sister's spicy temperament as of late. I'm sure it's a combination of age, gender and this awful heat... but our sweet baby girl definitely heads up the drama department these days.

Here are a few photos I wanted {but never found time} to share last week.

I never wanted a pool, but now I don't see how we could survive without it.

A new creation from Buby every morning.

Organic mini chip cookies fresh from the oven.

Our view to and fro. Isn't it peaceful?

Buby with Bleu's bracelet. He snagged it and ran into his room quick before she noticed.

Feeding the geese is a daily request.

We have four gorgeous pond/river spots that we can check for geese.

Peas from our garden. The children like to eat them just like this.

Bowling on a rainy Wednesday. One game takes one hour. Can you tell who dressed himself?

Bleu often sneaks into my bed while I'm still reading to Buby. She loves her dollies from Debbie.

Two butterfly nets, one pink and one blue, equal endless possibilities around here.

A Friday night float parade in our village. I agreed to one street lolli each. Buby shouted, "This is like Halloween!" {You know... where they trade in their entire bags of junk for one supercool lolli.}

He's finally confident on his big bike, but he'll still race Bleu on the tiny tricycles.

Bare feet and veggie sticks at Saturday's fireman's parade next door.

The one time I actually saw them sit still on the blanket with us.

Our favorite village tree came down this week. We were so sad.

Best fireworks in the whole world... walking distance from our house.

Our sweet pie in his beloved dino tank from Grandma DJ.

T-ball for 5-6 year olds was down to two boys this session, so they canceled on week 2.

Tube sliding with Bleu and her friends at the park last Tuesday.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

looks like a great summer so far!! love the pics .. love you forever