01 July 2010

Pregnancy Update

Here's the baby belly all dripping sweat after planting window boxes with the kiddos. We are officially in month six now. {Hurray!} This is by far the happiest stage of pregnancy.

A few notes:

* My most serious food cravings are
bruschetta, Caesar salad and fruity yogurt. I can't help myself. During the other two pregnancies I wanted pasta and milk every single night.

* I went through a wild nesting phase that only lasted a few weeks. I hope it returns, because I have some house-wide deep cleaning and file
reorg to do. Plus, we need to design a boy/girl room for Buby and Bleu next month. Any ideas or inspiration... please send my way.

* It's important to me that the children have an amazing summer... and not see me as tired or sick or less fun because I am growing a baby. We're such an active family. {Already Bleu is mad that I can't pick her up constantly.} So we continue our daily adventures, and I involve them in everything. I'd love if they took occasional naps though so I could rest.

* I'm exhausted by dark. I can usually doze off between 9 pm-10 pm, but then I'm up until 3 am. Insomnia stinks. The upside is that I'm uploading a TON of photos after midnight. {So the grandmas are happy.}

* My OB informed me Monday that I gained 22 lbs in 22
wks. I'm the same with each pregnancy. A pound a week for 40 wks. We laugh about it every time they weigh me.

* I really have no other symptoms. I may be singing a different tune after August, so I'm savoring in the meantime.

* My uterus has grown to the size of a basketball. The baby is over 12 inches long but only weighs about 2 lbs right now, so he/she has loads of room for kickboxing.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

time is going fast .. at least for the rest of us!! can't wait to hold baby jones #3!! suggestion .. don't wait to redecorate to bunk buby and bleu together .. start now while buby is off from school so bleu can get used to going to bed at the same time before school starts again .. then they can help plan and do the redecorating .. exciting times!! love you forever