10 July 2009

Bleu's Summer Selects

The Metallic Gold Braid Sandal from Janie + Jack {which just went on sale!} and the Reef Kids Lil Trekker from Zappos.

Primigi brand is our old standby for Bleu. We love their design, fit, comfort and style. But for her summer shoes {one sandal, one sneak}, we had a hard time finding a model she'd keep on her feet. MaryJanes don't work. Open backs don't work. I can't tell you how many times I had to pull over to the side of the road because she had her Bibi sandals half off and was screaming in frustration. We thought we'd never get her in a pair she liked. Err, tolerate.

Alas, Bleu's been sporting the two styles above for a few weeks now, and she adores them both. Equally. In fact, she carries them around the house asking me to put them on her feet. She's never even tried to remove either shoe. So... crisis resolved. Yahoo!


Triple the Love said...

Cute shoes. Have you ever noticed random single shoes along the side of the road? I often think they're from tots taking off a shoes and chucking it out the window!!

Triple the Love said...

Youch-nice grammar up above- well its early and I was up 5 times last night- 3 for Mason and 2 for Lily who fell out of bed... twice.

Buby + Bleu said...

Ha! And I've always wondered who thought to make slipons for one year olds. It amazes me when I see them in Bleu's size, b/c they slip right off.