30 April 2009

Well Visit

Bleu had her 12-month checkup yesterday. Poor girl got a standard blood test for lead and anemia and a shot in each leg. {We split her shots, so she'll get the last one later.} Her doctor says she's doing awesome! She'll continue on the vitamin she's always taken until she goes chewable at 3.

There's no need to give her whole milk while she's still breastfeeding, our ped says. It can't hurt her to offer it, but there's also no need at present. He agrees that juice at her age does not serve any nutritional value, so {as with Buby} we're sticking with water and milk until she's closer to 3. She has one big tooth and two more coming through.

Bleu has a variety of table foods that she loves. Her favorites so far: Steamed broccoli, diced carrots, sweet potatoes, cheese crumbles, 100% whole wheat/whole grain bread, Stonyfield Farms yogurt, pork, chicken, bananas, pasta, and strawberries. We're working on peas and others. Because of her reaction to peaches, we're supposed to introduce new foods slowly and watch.

Our pediatrician also recommends we keep her backward facing in her car seat as long as possible... until we reach the height/weight limits on our model Britax. Some kids resist eventually and others don't, he admitted, so it's just until Bleu fights it. They used to say 20 lbs AND a year. Now they are asking all parents to go longer. Every crash tests proves it's much safer, so that's good enough for me.

Bleu's 12-month stats:
Height: 30 inches; 90% tile.
Weight: 21 lbs, 7 ozs; 50% tile.
Head: 18 inches; 75% tile.


Grandma DJ said...

ouch!! but good growing girl!! love you forever

Graga said...

I can't believe how big she's getting...Love you Bleu!