10 March 2009

Cold Feet

We left the house at 8:30 Saturday morning for the baby swim class at the Y. Finally it was Bleu's turn to get in the water. We were psyched!! And despite the facial expression above, Bleu started out very content. After all, she's gone to the Y with Buby + I every Tuesday morning for the last 7 months. She's comfortable there.

That all went downhill the second we opened the door to the pool area. The class was LOUD, overcrowded, unorganized, and did I mention LOUD? There were 20 set of parents + children in the pool at one time. Much older children. Nobody could hear. The room stunk of sweat and odor. Bleu kept getting splashed in the face. There was screaming and accidental elbowing. It was awful. And Miss Beth was the least equipped to deal. I know every aquatics instructor at the Y by now, and she is the worst by a mile.

After about 15 minutes we just walked out. The line to complain was too long, so we'll see what I can work out before next weekend. Unfortunately, it's the only facility around with a pool like this and the only time slot that works with our schedule. We'd like to get her in the water as soon as possible, but we want it to be a positive experience.


allison said...

Miss Beth! Definitely the most unprepared one for the job. I'm sorry it was such a disaster. That picture is so telling...I can only imagine the noise level and smell. What about looking into the Continuing Ed classes offered by the local high schools? I know our school dist has a swim program...check the website. Check the other school district sites, too. Or what about the other Y? Not too far from Buby's preschool...do you know which one I'm talking about?

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Oh that's too bad, I hate crowded places, especially when it comes to Nena's firsts, I hope you find a great place for her!!!

Grandma DJ said...

poor little miss bleu .. you look adorable in your little pink bathingsuit tho' .. love you forever

Buby + Bleu said...

UPDATE: I talked to the acquatics director today and they are creating a second class to split up the kids. Hip! Hip!