08 March 2009

Swing Dancing

Saturday the weather was sublime here. It was our first real hint of Spring. After a cold + snowy winter it felt amazing to play outside. First up: Bleu's baby swing. My Sweets snagged it at Toys R Us last week. It fits perfectly onto our existing set. At first I'd say Bleu was indifferent ~ even bored ~ with the whole thing. So I asked, "You want to go higher? Faster?" Oh my. As soon as I started pushing her like I would any older kid she was a waving, giggling, swinging fool.

P.S. I took these before we got into the SWING of things.


Grandma DJ said...

she is a big little kid now!! where did the time go!! very cute .. love you forever

Triple the Love said...

Great shots! Of course she wanted to go fast and high-- she's always been a mover and a shaker!! We enjoyed the nice weather too! I wish it would stay!!!!!!!

allison said...

She acts like such a big kid. It took my G two years before she enjoyed a swing. And she doesn't really like to swing fast or high at all!

Buby + Bleu said...

Seriously... she thinks she's 3. I'm not sure she realizes she's not capable of all the same things Buby is. He's our safe + careful guy. Our thinker. She's our daredevil doer.