July 1973. My grandma. Her name was Marion and I loved her so. Ironically, she never learned to drive, so I don't have any memories of going places with her. And by the time I came along she was already in a senior complex, so I don't have any memories of her fantastic home cooking. Just stories and recipes passed on from her youngest daughter.
What I do remember about her is how she loved my mom. How she smelled really great. How she used words like "davenport" and "slacks." How she kept the same two wooden peg puzzles at her house my whole childhood. How she bought paper goods in bulk. How she asked me open-ended questions and let me ramble. How she had brown spots on her soft hands. How she took care of my grandpa until the day he died. How she watched Murder She Wrote. And how she let me and Billy sit on the arm of her favorite chair.
This photo was taken on the day I graduated from High School. My Dad wore a brown bow tie ~ very cool. I'm sad that you don't have any memories of my Mom when she was still active. That's what happens when you have a 20 year age difference between your first and last child. She loved you kids very much and would be very proud of you all today. My Mom died in 1994 and I think about her every day. Thank you for the nice tribute!
Marion sounds like a very special woman. Your mom has done a great job of passing on stories about her own mother. Murder She Wrote...that's funny. My Nanny loved Golden Girls. This was a great Old Photo Friday.
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