Oh the drama of today. Buby played the lead role of Disgruntled Big Brother anytime his leading lady stepped within two feet of him or his stuff. Bleu shed some real tears. I had excellent front-row seats for it all, including two quick trips to Time Out for random acts of aggression. It was not his finest hour. After the third or fourth drawn out "It's Not Fairrrr!," I told him I would photograph his face like that so that he could see. I sort of accidentally giggled when I saw how fire red it was on screen. He shot back, "It's Not Funny!" I suppose he's right. Tomorrow is a new day.
Oh, this gave me a good laugh this morning. Love your sense of humor with it all. This is one for the memory book. Hope today is better.
i think it is funny .. made me giggle too!! the fun of moms and siblings!! too cute .. love you forever
Oh my gosh! Hilarious! I know he didn't feel it was fair for sure, but glad you caught it on camera!
I told you the fun would begin as soon as Bleu became more mobile. Love the funny face he's making ~ this might be a good picture for his senior yearbook someday.
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