04 March 2009

Wooden Truck

This simple wooden truck is a forever object in our house. Buby is forever playing with it, and I'm sure it'll forever have a place among our things. It was a gift from his Great Aunt Mary many moons ago. It doesn't transform into a robot. It doesn't zoom zoom on its own. It doesn't have sirens.

For a long time Buby was too little to walk and pull the truck behind him. But for the last year and a half he has played with it every single day. He gives it identities, animal playmates, and odd jobs. He runs circles around it and stages monster truck pulls. He's even tried to wrangle his baby sister once or twice. {I finally cut the loop to keep him from putting it around her ankle.}

I have no idea who makes this particular truck or where you can buy it. But I wish we had a dozen more like it. It does a budding imagination good. Thank you, Aunt Mary.

1 comment:

allison said...

These are absolutely the best toys. Simple, yet more effective than anything else. Glad you have this treasure in your house.