09 March 2009

i heart

Buby + Bleu's first wagon walk of the season.

{from our weekend}

the sight of: my second baby looking up to my first; Buby bringing a bouquet of tulips to Kitty at the bakery ~ just because; baseball caps; rain boots; red wagons; chubby chalk; neighbors outside again; Bleu clinging to her daddy in the swimming pool and sleeping with her tush in the air; kids with lil' umbrellas; green ornaments

the sound of: a sizzling skillet in the morning; birds overhead; sticks going "kersplash" into the river; tricycle wheels turning on pavement; My Sweets vacuuming out my car;
"Apologize" by One Republic; Chris Cornell; Buby opening up good mail; my mom + I catching up after a busy week

the taste of: pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes, sweet creamed corn, carrots, peas, and vinaigrette over fresh greens; milk at dinner; bananas; strawberry pancakes; Edy's Loaded chocolate fudge brownie

the feel of: hugs; rocks in our pockets; reading at the dinner table; a clean car; letting my hair down; a place for everything + everything in its place {it's rare, but oh so satisfying}; crushing on my husband; eating early; Buby randomly pausing everything to tell us that he loves us; sleeping under 2 blankets + a quilt

the thought of: answered prayers for friends; dressing up; a date with My Sweets; Girl Scout cookies; Bleu sleeping more at night {I really hope this happens soon}; trees with leaves; responding to emails and calls {I will get to this}; baking for St. Pat's Day; someday living closer to family

Click a photo to enlarge


Grandma DJ said...

the sweetness of life .. gotta love it!! these two together are so beautiful!! love you forever

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Hola chica, oh my gosh, I used to listen to that song Apologize over and over and over again...I LOVE IT!!! I love the thought of living closer to my family, that's my favorite past time...day dreams and prayers!!!

Triple the Love said...

We love our wagon rides too! I never thought the little red wagon you got us would be my go-to twin transport device. They enjoy it so much more than the double stroller- regular or the jogger. I've even been tempted to take it to stores!!

Anonymous said...

Love the very serious look on Bleu's face. Don't you just wonder what she's really thinking? This summer holds many "firsts" but Buby and Bleu and should be a lot of fun for all!

Alana Goldstein said...

Baby Bleu looks way too old sitting in that wagon. I love how she has her toys with her. You get your excercise pulling the two of them up the hills in your town I am sure.

allison said...

That first photo...I love the look on Bleu's face. Priceless! As always, your list is so enjoyable to read. That wagon looks like a lot of fun. I'm sure it'll hold many good memories.