13 March 2009


Yes, that is cereal. And yes, those are chopsticks.

Photos taken 3.12.09


Triple the Love said...

Your Uncle Mike is so talented with chopsticks! Aunt Melissa is impressed everytime! Love the kiddie version.

Carrie said...

When I was a kid I randomly decided to start eating with chopsticks. Ended up married to a Chinese man and having a mother-in-law who is more impressed with my chopstick skills than pretty much anything else about me. So tell him to keep up the good work, you never know when these things will be important!

Grandma DJ said...

that's funny "carrie" .. like daddy like son!! chopsticks are fun
.. i never thought of cereal tho'!!love you forever

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Too cute, he's got a very creative little mind, the little man!!!

Anonymous said...

Chopsticks with cereal takes a bit of talent. Great job Buby and what a wonderful imagination. He gets that from his Dad....