08 July 2008

Old-Fashioned Fun

On Day 2 of Reagan + Debbie's visit we went to an annual fun fest with rides, crafts, and yummy summer things. Buby + I rode a Ferris wheel together for the first time. Halfway up I remembered how much I'm not in love with heights. My Sweets b-lined it to the food tent. He yelled "Street Meat! Yugh!" {I guess it's been a while.} I was equally psyched for my sausage, onions + peppers on a roll. UNTIL... the six of us sat on the grass and I took my first humongo bite and the world's slimiest worm jumped out of the ground like anaconda onto my plate. I swear, he was at least a foot long. The sausage just lost its appeal after that. Later, Buby + his cous took a dip in our pool and went to the ice cream parlor for a single scoop of homemade cherry vanilla. Yum yum.

Debbie + Reagan cheer us on.

The Green Car

Cousins out for a joy ride.

Lollipops from a big stuffed horse on 2 legs


Triple the Love said...

What wonderful fun!!

Mommy said...

That was our 1st ferris wheel ride, too. They had so much fun this weekend!

Grandma DJ said...

what cute pics .. especially of the two cuties sitting on the bench with their lollipops!! glad it was a fun filled weekend for you all!! love you forever

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Where was bebe throughout all the fun??? Happiness!

Buby + Bleu said...

In her stroller, mostly snoozing as one of us kept moving.

Lilypad Mom said...

Buby looks so happy in the car, I love the lollypop picture.

I'll have to find out from you where this was and if it's still going on.

allison said...

That first photo is awesome! I'd frame it. I can't stand ferris wheels.