08 July 2008

Fantabulous Fireworks

Buby + Bleu sure lucked out this year. Two of our favorite people ~ Debbie + Reagan ~ came down to spend July 4th weekend with us. Every day was a new adventure with 2 imaginative, energetic, giggly three year olds running about. We watched the fireworks Friday night from a dock on the Hudson. A departure from our usual blanket-on-the-grass approach. But how cool! We actually caught three different displays going at once. Maybe Reagan was a little bit "been there, done that," as she pulled a late night the evening before doing fireworks in her hometown. But she held in there.. Buby was bright eyed to the last spark. My Sweets + I took turns protecting Bleu's ears from any ruckus. She never even cried. Here is a glimpse courtesy of my Canon's fireworks function.








Debbie + Reagan with My Sweets + Buby

The boys

The girls


Triple the Love said...

Turns out one of our new neighbors across the way put on a semi-pro show that we watched from the couch out the big window-- the downs side was it woke the girls + their were casing from the fireworks on our deck and lawn!

Mommy said...

Sorry to hear those cons, double the love...

The fireworks pics turned out pretty cool! I do have some bedtime retraining to do after a few late holiday weekend nights...but the memories are so worth it. (And so are port-a-potties.)

Grandma DJ said...

pics of fireworks are great .. love the pics of the cousins plus little cousins!! love you forever

Lilypad Mom said...

I love #2 and #6. We didn't make it to see any fireworks this year.

allison said...

Cool fireworks. Those photos are really neat. Looks like fun.