02 July 2008

Closet Case

Most mornings after his shower Buby opens his closet, picks out his clothes and attempts to dress himself. Once in a while his tag sticks out, but not bad for 2.5. My Sweets loves that he does this and says that he can wear anything he picks out. Usually that means the bright yellow dirt biking t-shirt that is stained + two sizes too small. Paired with royal blue sweatpants. When it's 97 degrees out. So I did a little reorganizing. NOW Buby can wear anything he can reach.


Triple the Love said...

I can still remember a few of the outfits my dad let me go to school in when my mom was out of town... Oh, dear.

Grandma DJ said...

never fear he will figure out soon how to reach that yellow tshirt once again!! cutie!! love you forever

allison said...

Hee, hee, love the royal blue sweatpants. His room looks fantastic.