24 June 2011

Thunderstorms in June

We pass the prettiest little farm on route to the market. I've pulled over countless times to admire electric pink sunsets from this very spot. The photo above is from an hour ago.

This morning was our first without a massive thunderstorm since Tuesday, though it's been threatening torrential rains all afternoon. Right now the sky is turning a menacing shade of midnight blue. By 4:30 p.m. it will be dark inside our house. Again.

We actually have reservations to go tent camping in the mountains tonight and tomorrow. Lucky for us, My Sweets has a board meeting in the city and we are spared one night of wet and cold. Regardless of the weather we will head up first thing in the morning to meet our friends and stay until Sunday afternoon.

Our children are good to hike/fish/camp rain or shine, but thunder and lightening is another story. Buby and Bleu are both crazy scared of it, and they've had their fill this week. So fingers crossed... Happy weekending.