24 June 2011

Hailstorms in June

Before this week of perpetual thunder, we kicked off our summer with several extended periods of sunshine. It was beautiful. The two exceptions were Thursday, June 9 and Friday, June 17 when we were hit with the most extreme hailstorms I've ever seen.

Both days it was close to 90 degrees. Both days I was out with the children, unfortunately, and they wailed in horror as the sky suddenly opened, a gust of wind knocked us around, and our car was pelted with golf-ball size ice for over 30 minutes.
I took the photo above almost an hour after it all began last Friday. I could not believe my eyes. Our yard was covered with perfectly rounded balls that we could pick up and throw.

Such a weird weather month for us. Part of me loves the extremes. Keeps things interesting. But I'm praying it doesn't follow us to the beach next week. A week of relaxing, UNinteresting weather would be nice for a change.

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