17 October 2007

Monkey Science: Day 1

Meet Happy Hank. Hank is Buby's first science experiment, if you don't count a half-eaten banana lost and later recovered or a handful of stones mysteriously knocking around my dryer. Hank was a gift from friends Allison & Jon {a.k.a. hosts of the famed Monkey Party}. Hank currently is submerged in lukewarm water. Over the course of 10 days, he will grow to 600% his size. Here is Hank yesterday on Day 1. We ran downstairs this morning to see how much our little monkey had changed overnight. This is fun. The best part: When he eventually dries up, he'll shrink back to his pre-experiment size.


Lilypad Mom said...

I have to find a glass container big enough to grow our monkey!

Buby + Bleu said...

I couldn't find my fish bowls, so I used a clear mixing bowl. Buby keeps wanting to pick up the monkey, but his textures is weird right now. So we stare at him through the glass instead and Buby whispers things about him in my ears! Like he assumes because we can't touch that we also can't talk loud. Haha!

allison said...

This is hysterical! I love that Buby whispers about Hank. So, so cute.