07 October 2007

Apple Fest '07

We spent Sunday morning at an Apple Festival, and here are my photos. It didn't feel like Fall {muggy 80 degrees}, but it is finally starting to look like we'll have a season. We rode the Jeep with the top off. Buby and I sat there watching the loose leaves dance before our bumper at 55 miles an hour. The trees are turning, and in this lovely village where we ended up, you could pick up the aroma of hot cider and donuts in the air. Buby ate a Jonagle apple from his stroller, and Daddy and I each tried a few apple concoctions of our own. Some healthy, some not so much. The best was a hot apple slice inside a cinnamon sugar dough. Ahhh. This is truly why we love festivals, THE FOOD!

We stopped at a nearby farmer's market on the way home. The boys sampled fresh pumpkin cheesecake while I had my eye on the cider. Then we fed some farm animals, ran around the rural playground and headed home.

Graga called Buby this morning to say that she and Grandpa spent almost 7 hours yesterday making applesauce FOR HIM! Okay, not all for him I'm sure. She has three other grandchildren who love her applesauce. But they are freezing some for our Buby, who requests it anytime he gets them on the horn. "GRAGA... APPOSAUCE FOR ME??" Seriously, how could anyone resist that?


Lilypad Mom said...

I wish we had been able to go today, I love anything to do with fall and apples. I'm sure Buby will put a good dent in all that applesauce!

allison said...

Great photos, especially the first one. Glad you had a good time.