13 February 2013

Wine Club

A couple of weekends ago My Sweets and I had the pleasure of attending a little "Wine Club" that our friends are in. The group of vinos who make up this club usually meets in Manhattan or Brooklyn, but since this month's edition (featuring dessert wines -- my fave!) was conveniently taking place at our friend's country house -- less than 40 minutes away -- we joined in. Twist our arms.

We already had Grandma DJ to babysit, so the plan was to stop by Sara + Daymien's and then head to dinner. Turns out Wine Club was so relaxing that we ditched date night for a perfectly roasted lamb, scrumptious side dishes, a winter bonfire, and some pretty interesting friends of friends, including a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, an Oscar-nominated filmmaker, and a master truffle maker. Fun, right? I love when people are passionate about what they do... be it design, micro finance, farming, teaching, mothering, lawyering, or conservation.

The only trip-up of the night was when I (literally) tripped over another guest's dog and fell flat on my face. This is how I like to introduce myself to people, shortly after arriving. Before I knew it I was eating orange shag carpet and had a sprained middle finger. Luckily the 15-year-old black mut trapped underneath me was OK. I could've broken her hip or something. Since I do fancy myself a dog person, I waited for the dust to settle and then approached sweet Luna to see if I could pet her. A truce, if you will, because I felt horrible. Girl nearly bit my hand off :-( 


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