03 June 2011

Snapping Turtles

On the way to school the other morning Buby told me that he's been having "the same bad dream over and over." {Ugh. Just the thought breaks my heart. I had a recurring nightmare as a child that someone was chasing me. Someone really frightening.}

I asked Buby what the dream was about. He said a snapping turtle and a volcano. Apparently he was safe due to his supermagic jet pack, but I was still on the ground somewhere between the snapper and the hot lava. He was scared for me. He described how he bravely swooped down to carry me to safety, despite his fear. Wow...

Buby has a random thing against snapping turtles lately, and it was fueled by a real-life sighting on Friday. We dropped My Sweets off at the train station to pick up his car, and he was following us home when we spotted a big turtle in the middle of the busy road. I saw in my rear view that he was pulling over to help it across the road. I told the kiddos, and Buby kept yelling, "I hope it's not a snapper!"

We continued driving ~ slowly ~ until we reached our little village and realized that My Sweets never caught up. There was only one way home, and he was nowhere to be seen. Bleu wondered if he was stopped by a policeman {p.s. ever since I was pulled over she is paranoid... I can't use my turn signal without her asking}. I wondered if My Sweets had car trouble. Buby wondered if the snapping turtle GOT HIM.

I called his cell twice with no answer, so I turned my car around and went all the way back to the train station. Buby was genuinely worried and kept his face pressed firmly against the window. Poor kid imagined the worst. It was a long 10 minutes. Alas, My Sweets was fine. He called back a few minutes later and was somehow already home. But the snapping turtle damage was already done in Buby's mind.

Pretty turtle and dragonfly print from here.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

the imagination is a tricky thing!! love you forever