This was my first--and probably last--attempt at a Christmas card photo. It didn't go well.
I wanted short, sweet and very casual. No grand plan. I made sure our Bleu--who is most finicky about getting dressed--had her favorite gray ruffle tee in the morning. Then I invited the kids to climb into my bed for the first shot and lay head-to-head on this red blanket for the second. I might have even whispered something about the bakery if they could be semi-still for a moment. A moment.
Buby was jumpy and excited but 100% eager to please. Per usual. Babe was super duper chill. Per usual. Moody Bleu was abruptly disagreeable. Per usual. She refused to sit, stand or lay anywhere near her big brother. She wanted to hold the baby so badly that she tried to rip him from my arms. Not good. She made Buby cry {see photo}, and I was done.
I'm sorry...Bleu makes me laugh. She and Natalie can start a middle child club + plot against us. Haha! It gets easier don't worry Nattie + Claire have a special bond now after almost a year + GG well, she loves them both, but definitley keeps herself up on a pedestal. Like you with Buby I can always count on GG for anything, but especially good behavior. As for Nattie I never know what she is going to do. I like to think of it as she kees life interesting. Oh and if she ever tells me she caved as a teenager to peer pressure...I will be very surprised. She is as stubborn as these ny winters. haha!
i think it is the perfect christmas photo!! so typical kids!! sure made us smile .. love you forever
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