12 November 2010


While I cook meals Buby and Bleu color or craft at the kitchen table. Often Buby will flip through his sight words and then read Bleu his latest phonics book. He loves to read to her. Oliver watches me from his chair.

Last night while I was preparing our dinner of steak, vegetables, vine tomatoes and mozzarella Buby drew a picture of twin rocket ships. {Ever since he and My Sweets launched that rocket into the woods he's obsessed with all things that can fly.} I noticed he was using fluorescent dot stickers to fancy them up. Awesome!

Then he asked me if he could have an empty water bottle from the recycle closet. I said, "Help yourself." Seconds later I glanced over and saw him cutting the bottom off the bottle with his school scissors. He said he was making a REAL rocket ship to match his picture. But he looked deflated, like he suddenly realized he didn't know how to do it.

I quick trimmed a piece of red construction paper {quick because I was also nursing the baby standing up} and showed him how to fill the inside with color. His face lit up and he went right to town with those bright dots again. When it was time for bed Buby handed me the picture and the rocket and asked if I would make the wings so that he could bring it to Show + Tell. Show + Tell is a big dealio every Friday at school, and it became obvious that Buby's impromptu rocket ship was trumping Daddy's special coin from Hong Kong.

After 2/3 of the kids were sleeping our friends Sara and Daymien snuck over for a bit. They were up from the city. We sat around chatting and drinking wine {them, not me}, sharing travel adventures and digital pics... securing paper wings and flames to my five year old's rocket ship. Of course.

Show + Tell was a success. And as soon as Buby jumped into my car at pick-up time he said, "Don't worry Mom... I told everyone you helped." Ha!

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

very cool!! love you forever