16 August 2010

We're Back {in full}

Actually we have been back for a week. A busy, fun-filled week... in my defense. Here's the rundown.

* Monday the kids rediscovered their long lost playroom while I unpacked, confirmed appointments and straightened the house. Then we ran errands {in an effort to finish the boy/girl room}, filled our empty fridge and tackled loads of laundry back at home. Note to self: Never walk into a superstore with a tired toddler and a list of must-have food items. Later Buby
said to me, "We didn't do anything FUN today." Ugh. My children expect fireworks every day. I went to bed feeling guilty... but knowing I got something done.

* Tuesday we ate a big yummy breakfast {including pink grapefruit and homemade smoothies}, walked the village, visited our two librarians for 9 new titles, and then headed over to Christine's for a pool party play date with friends Ella, Ava, Kenny, and baby Max. Yes. Much better. Buby wanted to make dinner for everyone. Homemade guacamole, to be exact. Aside from two avocados, he picked all of the ingredients from our little garden in back. The end result was simply incredible. I'm telling you... this kid has his daddy's cooking genes. I was so proud, and so was he.

* Wednesday we were out of the house early for a free trial class. {We're testing out new gyms for Bleu. Three down and three to go.} According to Buby and Bleu, it was the best hour of their entire lives. Afterward we decided to visit Buby's new school--just because. My friend Oksana called to see if we'd like to stop by her house in the afternoon for a play date pool party. The kids were jumping in their seats. Apparently, other people's pools are way more fun than our own. And it's been pushing 90+ degrees here every day.

Alana rang while we were out, too, and we made plans to drive up the mountain to see her, Gilly, Nat and baby Claire on the 24th. Cool! I say let's squeeze in as much summer as possible before September 2. My Sweets insists Buby hasn't seen his friends enough this summer--but most of them live far away and juggle busy camp schedules. Nature camps, sports camps, horse camps. Oh my. It seems we are the only unscheduled ones.

We went home for lunch, potty and a teeny bit of free play before heading over to Oksana's to see Kenny, Charles and the baby bros. Hours later I broke up the party. It had been a good long day but was time to head home for dinner and books. We were
invited back there for dinner on Friday.

* Thursday morning I investigated a potentially life changing development in our village, finalized a deal with the A/C installer, completed the Cord Blood Registry process for child #3, and cleaned up the playroom before Buby's BFF Grace came over at 10 a.m. Her parents are prepping for a big move. The day was amazing and dramatic and exhausting and so.much.fun. We all held hands on a nature hike around the block, collected sticks and rocks, made wishes on weeds {Buby wished for "the best Halloween ever!"} and waved to all of our friends who drove by. Seriously, so many friendly faces in this town.

Rachael stopped us on the street and had maternity clothes in her car for me. Hurray! Christine pulled over five minutes later on her way to the park with Ella. Small world. I treated the wee ones to the cookie of their choice from our village bakery. The older two wanted a classic black + white while my girl went vanilla with sugar sprinkles. Then we hopped next door to see Mr. Brian for juice boxes. I don't buy this juice for home, so the coffee shop is a happy treat! Grace got to say hi to her old dance teacher, and I rested from our walk while the itty bitties balanced on boulders. Baby was kicking up a storm!

At home we built forts, arranged dolls, made lunches {grapes, tomatoes, carrots, cheese}, practiced sharing {Nola!!}, crafted necklaces and bracelets out of tri
-color pasta, colored on each other's masterpieces, threw curve balls, sort of watched a movie {Grace chose Peter Pan}, picked tomatoes from the garden, swung on swings, rode bicycles in the driveway, chalked a mouse-turned-dinosaur, blew bubbles, jammed on drums, ate yogurt, and cooked dinner. Ten hours of nonstop play. Our little friend left before 8 p.m., and by 8:32 both of mine were sound asleep in their own beds. My Sweets pulled in around midnight, and we called it a night.

* Friday was another 45-minute gym trial. The kids LOVE checking out new places. We hit a farmer's market on the way home for corn, peaches and ciabatta bread. After a quick picnic under a shady tree, Bleu took a two-hour nap. Shocking. We headed to my friend Oksana's around 4 p.m. The kids were ecstatic. My Sweets met us there when his train got in around 8:40 p.m. {he so missed his babies--hadn't seen them both awake since last Sunday}, and we stayed another hour. A delightful evening with 7 adults and 7 children. Very few "incidents" and I realized I do like tiramisu. Huh. I must say we have such sweet friends who have made this summer extra fabulous.

* Saturday we divided and conquered. Buby and I took Manhattan while Bleu and her main man enjoyed a daddy/daughter day. For them it meant a morning stroll, lunch at the nice place where they always go but I've never been, lots of bonding, a late afternoon drive to Long Island Ikea for two more outdoor dining chairs {HOURS of traffic to get there}, and sundaes at Friendly's.

For us it meant riding a big silver train along the Hudson, gazing up at the aqua blue ceiling in Grand Central Station, finding hot pizza with black olives, seeing the sky scraper where I used to work, sitting front row and center for The Lion King on Broadway, riding the Ferris wheel at Toys 'R Us Times Square, eating mango/peach/strawberry frozen yogurt at Cold Stone Creamery, and stopping by Magnolia Bakery for a red velvet cheesecake to go. It was the best 12-hour date ever. My boy is unbelievably sweet, connected and appreciative. I love hanging with Buby, and I love that he still calls me "Mommy."

* Sunday we hosted a formal lunch for 8 on our patio. Buby had a blast with his buddy John, and by 6:30 p.m. we were wiped out. The kids snacked on raw carrots, tomatoes and mozzarella and then headed up for showers and story time.

* Today it's raining. We'll have a slow morning, watch a cartoon or two {which we haven't done in forever}, wash and fold laundry, and leave for my OBGYN around 1:30 p.m.

This week is all about preparation. There is a lot to do. We'll be prepping for back-to-school on September 2. Buby needs shoes, clothing and supplies. Keep in mind: None of us enjoys shopping, especially Bleu. We'll be finalizing our Fall schedule by signing up for tennis, swim and gym. We'll be prepping for Buby's 5th birthday {a small friends party involving horses}. We'll be prepping for the Friday arrival of cousins Sid, Lily and Mason. For a tractor parade. For Ava's party. Etc.

Coming up: Lots of pictures from this week and last. Starting tonight. I promise.

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