13 July 2010

While You Were Sleeping...

I had 101 thoughts about you. Starting with...

* How cool you are.

* How lucky I am to know you.

* How you love your books and would never be without them.

* How you wait up for Daddy so you can talk about picnics on mars and alligator friends.

* How you truly grasp what's healthy for you and what's not.

* How sensitive and nurturing you are for a four-year-old boy.

* How you can build anything from nothing.

* How your imagination is bigger than all the rest of ours, combined.

* How you have a zillion toys/games/puzzles but attach yourself to silly things like broken hanger tops, and they become your favorites.

* How you appreciate all the people in your life, even those you rarely see.

* How you always ask if you can help me cook dinner, set the table, pour drinks.

* How sweet you are with Bleu's itty bitty friends. You've totally embraced them.

* How you will make a most wonderful big brother, once again.

* How you want to be a Winnie the Pooh character for Halloween. Every single year.

* How you used to fall asleep on my arm every night.

* How you like me to leave a little light on for you now.

* How one day you went from only to oldest, and it totally rocked your world.

* How you remember every place we've ever gone and who was there.

* How you still know the words to songs we haven't sung in three years.

* How you like to pack for road trips a month ahead.

* How you propose solutions to any predicament. You are a natural solver.

* How you pay no attention to girl/boy stereotypes at this age.

* How you like barrettes, bracelets and necklaces.

* How you always remember where we parked.

* How you dig through your undies bin every morning looking for Batman.

* How you prefer no-contact sports.

* How you rarely ask for anything material.

* How you belt out Renee & Jeremy lullabies in the car.

* How you like me to open the windows so you can play your drums for the village.

* How you are most happy in nature, chasing butterflies and sending wishes into the sky.

* How you want to share all of your bursting enthusiasm with the people around you.

* How you insist on wearing socks with sandals.

* How you meet someone and instantly they are your friends.

* How you notice Victorian architecture.

* How you comment throughout the day on how the day is going.

* How you insist your seat belt is never tight enough. {I promise, it is.}

* How you dance to "Summertime Blues" and "Big Green Tractor." Oh man. How you dance.

* How you ask me for a sip or a bite of mine by gently tapping your finger.

* How you encourage your sister's comedic side.

* You you love bandages and boo boo buddies.

* How you constantly invent clever things.

* How you like to be first in any sort of line.

* How you never say a negative thing about anyone.

* How you pray out loud before bed.

* How you throw me kisses and give me hugs that stick like glue.

* How you chant "Rain Rain, Go Away" 100 times really fast.

* How you are never quite full.

* How you munch on vegetables right out of the garden.

* How breakfast is your favorite meal of the day.

* How you look forward to "hikes" to the coffee shop.

* How you are listening, even when it seems you are not.

* How you sleep so deeply at night.

* How you look for opportunities to teach.

* How you ask to go on Mommy Dates and Daddy Dates.

* How you happily play kitchen, dress-up and baby dolls with your sister.

* How fervently you protect your wooden blocks though.

* How much you entertain me throughout the day.

* How you run in circles and tell me you're exercising.

* How you interrupt adult conversations with "Excuse me!" "Excuse me, Mommy!"

How you love this old green house and say you never want to move.

* How you dream of growing big like a daddy.

* How you whine and cry every now and then... to remind us you're still four.

Buby, you amazed me and I hope you know it.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

that's our buby .. loved beyond all imagination!! we are all blessed to have you!! love you forever