06 July 2010

Weekend Recap

My Sweets and I were chatting about our July 4th plans (or lack thereof) last week and realized it was our first year EVER not traveling or hosting out-of-town guests at our house. We were free as birds to do as much or as little as we wanted. Ooh. Fun!

S0... we savored delicious garden bounty, cooled off by the pool, started a new season of t-ball, set up an inflatable water slide, wished Grandpa a happy birthday {over the phone}, stopped by a nearby festival with a carousel, joined some newish friends for a BBQ {and had an amazing evening}, and caught fireworks {above} at a golf course last minute. The whole weekend felt spur of the moment and perfect for us. I hope yours was filled with a little summertime cool.

More photos tomorrow {early morning or after the babes go to bed}. I really shouldn't be awake right now.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

miss days like that .. love you forever