22 July 2010

Pregnancy Update

I'm not sure what week I'm in. Maybe 27? That's the curious thing about being with child for a third time. You are so busy with the other two that you hardly notice your body growing enormous overnight.

You aren't posting What-Not-To-Eat lists on the fridge and thumbing through What to Expect books in bed. {By now you know.} You aren't keeping lists of questions and concerns for your next checkup and calling your mom with every fetal milestone. My regular OB visits average 4 minutes... and only because the nurse checks urine, weight and BP.

When my dr. found out I was pregnant again he shook Tom's hand and mine and assured us "Go and enjoy. I'll catch your baby when the time comes." That was it. No reminders or warnings or this is what you can expects. Truth be told, it's difficult to tell my pregnancies apart on most days. That's a good thing.

Of course there was the placenta previa and premature dilation with Buby, but all of that miraculously worked itself out so that I could deliver a perfectly healthy boy four days after he was originally due.
This time around I had early concerns about exposure to radiation, but so far no health issues. Thank God. Even the third trimester symptoms that are starting to surface now {ie. leg cramps, fatigue, sciatica pain, swollen fingers, heartburn} are all very familiar to me.

The best part about having been here/done this before is that you pay attention just to the things you want to. To the things that matter. I don't worry when I go hours without a nudge or a kick from the inside, because I know that I've lulled the babes to sleep.

My point is: Nothing much to report. We still don't know the sex. I am probably done with ultrasounds. Anticipation is mounting here as Buby and Bleu talk baby throughout the day. I have been blessed with mostly UNeventful pregnancies {medically speaking}, and I pray that continues. The births? Well, that's another story for another day.


Grandma DJ said...

can't wait to meet and hold #3 .. love you forever

Alana Goldstein said...

I agree...the 3rd pregnancy is so different. Enjoy your summer, relax, b/c you need to get ready for the 3 ring circus you are about to have. Turst me..it is insane :)