02 July 2010

Cape May: The Point

My friend Alana told me about this other beach. It wasn't walkable from our hotel, but it was only a few minutes away by car and completely crowd free.

We parked in a quiet residential neighborhood, walked 100 feet to sand, and I think spotted six or seven elderly women the entire time we were there. Mostly we just shared the waters with crabs, giant jelly fish and a family of dolphins.

One night before bed we put the kids in their jams, brushed their teeth, and loaded them into the car during a deep fog and lightening storm so that we could see this lighthouse in all its glory. Buby fell asleep on the five minute drive, but My Sweets carried him out of the car and made him open his eyes for a moment. It was quite the sight.

Buby reads Jonathan London's Froggy series at home, and there's one book where Froggy takes his dad to play mini golf for father's day. Buby kept asking to find a golf spot, and we did on Sunset Boulevard.

Buby was really into it. Bleu had a blast but totally cheated at every hole. It's hilarious watching a two year old make her own rules and feel such accomplishment.

We had no idea, but all these people gather each evening where Sunset Boulevard meets the ocean. After golf Buby and I went directly into the gift shop to retrieve our "prize" {as promised to him by the shop owner for completing all 18 holes} and were oblivious.

Several minutes later we walked out to discover we missed the whole shebang. My Sweets and Bleu were front and center for it though and said it was breathtaking.

This was the sky off to the left about 10 minutes after sunset. So pretty.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

wow .. sounds and looks like a perfect spot for a family vacation .. and being so close to home is quite a bonus!! glad it was fun .. can't wait to play mini golf with the gang!! love you forever