22 April 2010

My Flower Boy

My boy is sweet. Possibly the sweetest person I'll ever meet in my life.

He picks flowers and weeds and grass and sticks for everyone he knows. Just because he figures it will put a smile on their face. And he's right.

He is incredibly thoughtful, smart, deliberate. He finds meaning in everything.

He is lively and exuberant and strong beyond his four and a half years.

He takes time and care to "teach" his sister the ways of the world. It must be frustrating for him to share us, but he shows pride in being the first and the oldest.

He is sensitive and optimistic and has a memory like I've never encountered. And he talks to horses even though he knows they can't talk back. These are things about my boy that are sooo him.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

that's buby .. what a boy!! love you forever