11 February 2010

Photo Gallery: Snowy Day

Apologies for our absence. I'm just now sitting down to upload photos from the last 5 days. Typically it's part of my pre-bedtime ritual--clearing my memory card while devouring a serious chocolate almond chip ice cream sundae. But not this week.

Sunday evening I injured my lower back. Twice, in fact. I'm pretty sure the pain was worse than my two labors + deliveries, combined. I couldn't move as much as my pinkie toe without shedding major tears. I've been mothering from the sidelines. No dancing to Taylor. No piggy or mammoth rides. No carrying the kids up to bed. No lifting, pulling, pushing or climbing. Doctor's orders. Poor Bleu wasn't on board initially, as she's pretty much like static cling, but she came around. We hold hands and she kisses my "boo boo."

So. We did a lot of cozying, crafting, reading. Not as much cleaning. My Sweets stayed home Tuesday while I got X-Rays, and that helped immensely. I'm feeling better every day and trying to be mindful of re-injury, which my doctor warned is much worse. Yowzer! I'm on a prescription anti-inflammatory twice a day and a muscle relaxer at bedtime while the pain persists. I've been putting Buby to bed at his usual time and then jumping into mine with Bleu girl--and the electric heating pad--until My Sweets arrives home.

Yesterday a big snowstorm hit. Buby said he wanted to go "snow flaking," so I fed the kiddos an early lunch and suited them up for the great outdoors. Buby grabbed his magnifying glass and black construction paper, a trick he learned from the Super Sleuths. We took a leisure walk around the corner and through the blizzard. The paths were not yet plowed, so it was FUN exploring our everyday street in a new light. Buby and Bleu both had walking sticks and stopped sporadically to form sidewalk snow angels.

On the way home our dear neighbor invited us to sled on her hill. Sledding is awesome. Sledding 10 feet from your front door... even more awesome. Of course I didn't partake myself, but I sent two squealers flying down about 2,010 times before we finally decided to head in for cocoa and nap.

As he skipped home in the snow, Buby declared "This is my happy day." Mine, too.


Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

oh my gosh, Jenny, take care of you my friend...so sorry that happened, do they know how you hurt it? Was it a bad twist? I hope you feel better very soon! Hugs!

Lilypad Mom said...

Ouch, I hope you are feeling better soon! Give me a call if you want to bring the kids over, they can play while you relax on the couch and rest a little bit.