17 February 2010

Five Days in Family Land

The kiddos and I arrived home last night from five fast ones in Family Land. Actually, it was more like two days of vacation since we spent Friday and Tuesday on the road and Sunday on the couch with a brief bout of morning sickness {NOT pregnancy induced... more like food poisoning}. It only hit me--thankfully--and just a few hours later I felt like a million bucks. But it was enough to cancel all of our Valentine's Day plans.

We did manage to squeeze in time with three grandparents, eight little cousins, two big cousins, one aunt, and three uncles. The weekend was full of great hugs, i-missed-yous, makeshift meals, musical beds, funny faces, chasing cousins, spicy Thai, backaches, teething tears, nighttime transfers, new baby gushes, and more Coffee Coolatas than I care to admit.

Honestly, I'm tired and I missed My Sweets like crazy. The three of us jumped into his arms the second he walked in the door. It was good to be away for the long weekend, but it's also good to be home. Hope you all had a sweet V Day.

1 comment:

Triple the Love said...

It was soooooo great to see you 3. I wish I taken at least ONE photo of them all playing together. Alas, it slipped me by again. I hope it won't be too long 'til we get to do it again!