There's nothing like being home for Christmas dinner. I'm talking my parents' home. It's tradition. All year I look extra forward to spending the 25th with my niece and nephews. I'm telling ya... those kids are AWESOME.
The night usually brings an abundance of hugs and kisses, knuckle sandwiches, noogies. It entails minor rough-housing {all fun + games until someone gets hurt}, impressive tower building, Grandma + Grandpa's DVD collection, and warm flannel jammies. This year was no exception.
Spence and Grace typically spend at least an hour bringing me up to speed on the latest handheld gadgets {thanks, guys!}. My mom cooks up her magic while we make fun of her generously tinseled tree. My dad's face lights up when any of the children opens a present. I call my little brother Billy "The Tsar" while he oversees the gift distribution process. Bleu calls him "Beeya" and runs into his arms anyway.
I carefully study every kid-made ornament on display. Such memories. Parker and Buby put on some collaborative show + tell shortly before Parker passes out from exhaustion. My Sweets makes sure to save room for his mother-in-law's divine pies. We laugh and catch up and veg out. I dare say it's my fave night of the whole year.
The night usually brings an abundance of hugs and kisses, knuckle sandwiches, noogies. It entails minor rough-housing {all fun + games until someone gets hurt}, impressive tower building, Grandma + Grandpa's DVD collection, and warm flannel jammies. This year was no exception.
Spence and Grace typically spend at least an hour bringing me up to speed on the latest handheld gadgets {thanks, guys!}. My mom cooks up her magic while we make fun of her generously tinseled tree. My dad's face lights up when any of the children opens a present. I call my little brother Billy "The Tsar" while he oversees the gift distribution process. Bleu calls him "Beeya" and runs into his arms anyway.
I carefully study every kid-made ornament on display. Such memories. Parker and Buby put on some collaborative show + tell shortly before Parker passes out from exhaustion. My Sweets makes sure to save room for his mother-in-law's divine pies. We laugh and catch up and veg out. I dare say it's my fave night of the whole year.
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