17 November 2009


Tuesday is my mom's regular day off from work, and it also happens to be our free day here. Buby + Bleu have come to expect a bit of Mom/Grandma phone tag on Tuesday. In fact, they start fighting over my cell as soon as it rings.

If my mom didn't live so far I'd invite her for a breakfast smoothie. Or a picnic lunch in the park. If she didn't live so far I'd invite her for a mid-day dance-a-thon, an ooey gooey afternoon snack, a quick trot to the library. If she didn't live so far I'd invite her for a fancy dinner party {grilled cheese + soup} and our rambunctious bedtime routine. Because, well, it's Tuesday and it'd be nice to have her here. In the flesh. Love you, Mom.

All photos taken 11.17.09.


Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

I feel your pain! It's so hard to have our famlies so far from us isn't it, especially with the closeness we share with them. To see them watch our babies, couldn't be a better gift, to see them light up as they do something cute, or funny or silly...just to see them love each other in front of us is the best gift from above!

Graga said...

I look forward to Tuesdays not because I don't have to go to work but because I get to"spend the day" with my favorite daughter and her two babies. If I lived closer I would come over every time you asked me too and I would bring goodies with me. I can only dream that it will happen someday. I love you so much and can't wait to see you next Thursday.