26 November 2009


Buby working on his pincher grip last week.

Buby's nightly thankful prayer:

"I'm thankful for my health + happiness. My mommy + daddy. My baby sister Nola. My grandmas and grandpas. My aunties and uncles. My cousins and all my friends. I'm thankful for a house to live in, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and clothes to wear. I'm also thankful for my books and toys and classes, which help me to learn and grow. Tonight I want to say an extra prayer for ____, ____, and ____. {Lately he mentions Uncle Pete, Aunt Yaya, Tom G., and Liam ~ who have been sick this year ~ and all of the babies in their mommy's bellies.} Amen."

Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Grandma DJ said...

so very thankful for you all!! i have been so very blessed .. love you forever