Buby switched from a group class to private lessons with Miss Melissa on November 18. This Tuesday marked his 7th one-on-one session, and he's showing amazing progress. He jumps into the water with more confidence, goes under, blows bubbles, practices his arm strokes with a floating barbell, kicks his feet to tread water, and pushes off the wall like a rocket ~ forward and back. Next week we're bringing in goggles so that he can look down at the sinking toys.
I think it was a really good move on our part, especially considering how much time we spend around our pool in summer. I'm so proud of Buby for sticking with it. In the last year he's gone from a 4 bubble down to a 2. He'll be in a 1 shortly, and Melissa's thinking no bubble at all by summer.
Bleu starts up on March 2. She needs a bathing suit. Knowing how she feels about her baths, this could be interesting. But she's already 2.5 months older than Buby was when he started, so I know we need to get her in and comfortable. It's so important.
The wedgie + a bathing suit always go hand in hand....
funny!! buby sure does well with his lessons!! way to go buby!! love you forever
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