19 January 2009

Photo Gallery: Snow Country

We spent Sunday in the mountains visiting friends. It was cold and snowy and slippery and a really awesome time. The drive was magnificent. It felt like the trees got all gussied up in winter white just for us. Mother Nature sure does know how to take the breath away.

After breakfast for 8 at a teeny diner in town {where I devoured a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and a can of whipped cream}, we proceeded to a very cool Brazillian java shop across the street for a decaf mocha cappuccino and chocolate chip cookies to go. Among other things. I've been before, and it's one of those places you do not pass without stopping. After, we continued on to our friends' new house. Buby + Bleu hadn't seen bffs Gilly + Nat in over a month, so it was heartwarming to sit back and watch them all reacquaint. And to catch up with our own friends, of course. There was no talking Buby down from Cloud 9. {Note: After our last trip up was rescheduled due to bad weather, Buby sat at the top of our stairs crying, "But I missed my Gillian."}

The house was gorgeous. Full of warmth and light and airiness and good ideas. And closets! After a tour and some floor time with the wee ones we headed out back with sleds.

Would you be shocked if I told you we warmed up with some of Alana's yummy homemade hot cocoa after? Indeed, a happy chocolate day for moi.

Both babes fell asleep 2 minutes into our journey home. It was nice. Thank you to our friends for having us. We'll see them again at Grace's Chinese New Year shindig next week.


Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Wow, what great memories...love all the pictures, looks like the kids and the dads had a great time :)

Grandma DJ said...

what an awesome day for you all!!
love you forever

Triple the Love said...

Looked like a great time!

Alana Goldstein said...

We had a great time too.
The pictures brought such a smile to my girls faces
Please come anytime