Don't you dare tell Buby that Christmas CDs are just for Christmas. Holiday tunes are a year-round staple here and have been since Buby was an itty bitty two month old. The only CD that could calm him on lengthy road trips was Baby Einstein's Baby Santa. It was all music, no words, so we didn't mind. We've since collected a few dozen seasonal CDs to listen to in the kitchen and car, and Buby adores each one. His pick de jour is Josh Groban's Noel all because of song #2. It's the most wonderful rendition of "Little Drummer Boy" we've ever heard. Buby sings it in the car while I do a little dance.
That is so sweet! I love it that he loves Christmas tunes!
We have a Kenny Chesney Christmas CD titled All I Want For Christmas is a Real Good Tan that we listen to year round too. It is BP's favorite. So she would totally understand Buby.
I love it that Buby likes Christmas music year round. I OD on the tunes around New Years - don't tell Buby - I'll deny it!
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