I tried it all and still couldn't get Bleu happy in the bath, so we graduated to showers about a month ago. It works. I jump in first while she's still in her crib just beginning to stir. I warm up the water, wash, shampoo my hair. Then I dart out to grab her, wrap her in terrycloth for traction and head back in. Bleu never cries in the big shower, even with water running over her face. She feels secure in my arms. When she's clean as a whistle I turn off the water, throw on my cozier than cozy Pottery Barn robe and wrap her inside it. Then I sit in the glider, lay a warm quilt over us, and nurse her skin-to-skin before getting dressed. I treasure these times.
Love the photo! She sure didn't get that from me. I have never thought of a shower as anything but functional. LOVE A STEAMY BATH!
Sounds like such a great part of your day. I hope it lasts as long as you want it to.
The wet dash-- ha! I tried to spray the girls down in the tub with the shower thing and it left them traumatized. Maybe it felt like needles- there is a lot of pressure. Now they always look up when I say time to rinse and head for the back of the tub!!
What a sweet way to start your day together.
LP has loved her showers since about the same age. She still loves her showers and asks to take one every morning.
Our Nena used to hate baths too, but then she all of a sudden changed her mind and started LOVING THEM!
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