10 December 2008

Party Shoes

After the photo with Santa I got lots of sweet emails about Bleu's barefoot-ness. Family + friends offering to buy or let her borrow some itty bitty infant shoes for the holidays {we'll totally take the black ones, Mel}. After all, we have 5 parties in 5 days and it's COLD where we're going.

Bleu's BabyLegs don't cover the feet like traditional tights, so right after seeing Santa on Sunday we ran into a Payless at the mall and found these silver basketweave maryjanes in size 3. Velcro! Don't you love 'em? Only $14.99. A perfect companion to any ensemble... tweed party dress, pink tutu, grey leggings, jeans. If you have a baby girl, I suggest you run out and snag a pair before they are all gone.


Grandma DJ said...

very sweet for the party girl!! love you forever

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes - perfect for any occasion!