08 October 2008

All Aboard

Don't you just love Scholastic Book Fairs? They've been around forever. Buby's preschool is holding one now. I volunteered to set it up last week while he was in class, so I got a preview of all of the wonderful titles. During school today the teachers took each child around, one by one, to discuss the books and fill out a "Student Wish List," which the teacher slipped into his book bag for me. He chose All Aboard the Dinotrain by Deb Lund. I somehow missed this one, but I'm not surprised at all that Buby dug it out. It combines two of his passions. The best part: Barnes & Noble sells it for $16. I'm getting it for $4.99. Yeah for book fairs.


Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

wow, they are that much cheaper???

Anonymous said...

I was just talking to a group of book-fair volunteers last night! This is what I like about book fairs -- it puts new books into the hands of kids who don't get brand-new hard-cover books all the time. I'm honored that you mentioned mine. Thanks, and congratulations on a gorgeous blog. I devoured it and will be back for more!