06 August 2008

Espresso Bean Eyes

Our girl has the most intense stare. I feel like she can see right through to my soul, which is both comforting and nerve wracking at once. It's as if she already knows my greatest joys, my deepest fears, thoughts I've never thought out loud. I can't stand the idea of ever disappointing her. As a woman. As a mom. Is that a mother-daughter thing nobody told me about or just the power of those espresso bean eyes?


Triple the Love said...

You love her and therefore will never let her down.

Mommy said...

Funny, I was just telling Frank, that as soon as you pop out a kid, you'd better become the person you want them to be like when they grow up and have a family. Otherwise, you're dooming them follow whatever the hell else you've decided to do or be at the moment. Be careful with mother-daughter things. I have to fight the super strong impulse to shape her into a mini-me. If that happens genetically, or coincidentally, or by her choice, that's cool. I have to work very hard at helping her to find out who she is and wants to become. If she succeeds, then so do I. It is amazing and frightening to be a part of!