25 August 2008

Discovering Mazes

We're onto mazes. Buby is loving the maze book I picked up at the village pharmacy. He focuses with such intensity at "staying on the path" and laughs every time he hits a "dead end" and has to turn around. For the first time I can sort of picture my little guy doing his homework at the kitchen table. Right beside me. Oh boy. The first day of preschool is in 9. I'm crazy psyched FOR HIM to have these new adventures. As FOR ME, I'm a wee bit sad he's already old enough.


Anonymous said...

He is so smart it's amazing..maybe he can teach me a thing or two about maizes..I still can't do them!

allison said...

I love mazes. Developmentally speaking, it's a good skill. Good for Buby to reach this milestone now. I like the new blog look. I noticed your sidebar and you're making me want to spend time on my own. Love the yellow and blue.