22 July 2008

Super Bleu


She IS my Super Bleu. Not even three months and she's rolling all over the place, standing and turning in her Einstein, kicking and cooing and loving and living it up. I'm so proud of her. She smiles every time I smile. She naps and sleeps when we sleep. She eats... well, she does that when she wants to. She gave up cranky hour back when she found her thumb. She loves baths and books and music and toddler chaos. She doesn't scare easily. She's game for anything.


Triple the Love said...

Yeah, Blue! You are a superstar!! Great job and great photo! You look so cute!!!!!

Alana Goldstein said...

She is awesome. So strong! BP was in the Baby Einstein before three months too and remember she walked at 9 months so watch out!!!

Grandma DJ said...

way to go super bleu!! she has to keep up with big brother!! love you forever