09 July 2008

She's Got Legs...

And she knows how to use them. Our Bleu kicks the air whenever she's awake. She pushes off her heels to roll over. She spins in her sleep until her head is where her feet were. She sort of skipped that beautiful newborn stage where you could lay her in the middle of a queen size bed and expect her not to go anywhere. She's so mobile in her own way... we can't set her down anywhere ~ even the changing table ~ or take our hands off her for a millisecond.


Lilypad Mom said...

She has places to go, people to see, and Buby to keep up with!

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Ah she's super sweet...why does she have band aids on her upper legs???

Buby + Bleu said...

i took this right after her shots on thursday.

Mommy said...

Poor widdo wegs...She is ready to roll over. and she wants to so badly!

allison said...

She looks so big here. I know it's because you have her filling the frame, but she looks so big and long!