21 July 2008

Reagan's Party

Grandma DJ's lil' gang, minus the birthday girl who was on the swings.

Pink balloons
Wooden whistles

Green grass
Big cousins
Little cousins
Sand + water
Chocolate cake
Tree swings
Floppy floral hats

Plastic party cups
A game of catch
Tee pee tents
Roasted marshmallows

Miss Lily is Buby + Bleu's almost one-year-old cousin.

Buby all flushed and funny faced wondering about that cake.

More from our recent trip to Family Land, in no particular order. This is Buby + Bleu's sweet cousin Reagan's 3rd birthday bash. See the Indiana Jones cake? Her backyard is parklike and awesome, so all the kids just ran themselves silly. Good times.

The oldest girl cousin {Jamie} and the youngest.



The fam. My husband's mother's side. Not everyone made it. But the other guy in the blue collared shirt {besides Buby} is his great grandfather.

Buby + nine-year-old Jamie were inseparable. She's incredible with the little ones. Buby adores her.

1 comment:

Triple the Love said...

Great shots! I saved a bunch to my collecion!