04 July 2008

Old Photo Friday

Tommy in the summer of '78.

30 years ago My Sweets was in the throws of potty training. Today it's his son's turn. I have to celebrate Buby's ginormous accomplishment while road tripping last week. On most days he only wore one pair of underwear from start to finish. No accidents. He held it on long car rides until we could pull over. He was dry in the morning. He went potty on so many different types of toilets I lost count. He went 'in the woods' when necessary. He paused his play during big parties to go pee without us even reminding. It turns out he didn't need the Bjorn or soft seat or foot stool after all. Sometimes he just walked into the bathroom at someones house, shut the door and did his thing in private. Oh, and he prefers Uncle Mike's upstairs toilet to the one downstairs. At one point Buby saw that I saw that he was heading upstairs and said, "No, Mom. Don't come with me. You wait there." He went. He flushed. He returned out bare bottom and announced, "I went poop, Mama. I'm all done." Wow, my boy really turned a corner this week.


allison said...

Wow...he really turned a big corner with this. I know what you mean about one pair of underwear lasting for an entire day. It wasn't too long ago that we were packing diapers. I'm so proud of Buby. He's so funny about needing his privacy. Good for him. Give him a big hug from all of us.

Lilypad Mom said...

Great job Buby! It must have been the week for potty training corners, LP had a huge week of success too. We're not quite as far along yet, but since 3 weeks ago she flat out refused to even sit on it, I'm thrilled.