09 July 2008

Harness Racing

On Day 3 of Reagan + Debbie's visit we took the kids to a race at the oldest active trotting track in the world. I've never seen harness racing up close, so this was pretty fun for team Buby + Bleu. The horses were absolutely exquisite. There were 11 races on this half-mile track, and I believe the winner of each took home $15,000. So a big delio to the breeders competing. Buby mostly stood against the white fence cheering. Waving his free fan. Eating green grapes. Oh, and we had our first experience with a port-a-potty. By "our" I mean me holding all 40 pounds of Buby up in the air with his Thomas the Train undies at his ankles. It was dark. It was 140 degrees. I could feel the sweat dripping from my eyebrows into my contacts. I asked Buby to aim for the hole and, for heaven's sake, not touch ANYthing. Alas, we had one foot out the door when he decided he had to go "a little bit more, Mommy." C'est la vie. That's what you get for successfully potty training your kid.

Buby + My Sweets

Buby + Sweet Reagan

Click each photo to enlarge


Mommy said...

That was pretty neat! I love the museum, too. So jealous you found the food stand.

allison said...

Looks like so much fun. I don't think I've ever seen harness racing. It's on my list of the things to do this summer, though. Glad you went.